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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mac2unix. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "mac2unix" is used to convert text files from Macintosh line endings to Unix line endings. Macintosh line endings use a single carriage return character (CR), while Unix line endings use a line feed character (LF).

The tool helps in ensuring compatibility between different operating systems and text editors that handle line endings differently. It is particularly useful when transferring files between Macintosh computers and Unix-based systems.

The mac2unix command, when executed, scans the input files for CR characters and replaces them with LF characters, thereby converting the line endings. It can be used to convert multiple files at once or can be piped with other commands to process the input/output streams.

The mac2unix tool is also known as "dos2unix" on different platforms, as it can also handle conversion from DOS/Windows line endings (CRLF) to Unix line endings. It provides a simple and efficient way to manage line ending conversions on the command line.

This command is often used in scripting or automation tasks where file format consistency is required across different platforms. It helps to avoid issues related to text processing, version control systems, and other applications that are sensitive to line ending differences. Overall, mac2unix simplifies the process of converting text files from Macintosh line endings to Unix line endings.

List of commands for mac2unix:

  • mac2unix:tldr:4432b mac2unix: Create a copy with Unix-style line endings.
    $ mac2unix -n ${filename} ${new_filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • mac2unix:tldr:cdac4 mac2unix: Change the line endings of a file.
    $ mac2unix ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
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