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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mate. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Mate is a command line tool designed specifically for macOS. It is often used as a text editor and file launcher within the Terminal. With Mate, users can quickly edit files, create new ones, or open directories. It offers features like syntax highlighting and line numbering, making it helpful for coding or editing various types of files. Mate also allows users to split the editor window, enabling side-by-side editing or viewing of multiple files simultaneously. Additionally, it supports the use of keyboard shortcuts for efficient navigation and editing. As a command line tool, Mate integrates well with other macOS applications and can be accessed directly from the Terminal for seamless workflow integration.

List of commands for mate:

  • mate:tldr:3c537 mate: Specify the filetype of a file.
    $ mate --type ${filetype} ${filename}
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  • mate:tldr:7c13a mate: Start TextMate.
    $ mate
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  • mate:tldr:bc789 mate: Open specific files.
    $ mate ${filename1 filename2 ---}
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  • mate:tldr:d248d mate: Open a file with the cursor at a specific line and column.
    $ mate --line ${line_number}:${column_number} ${filename}
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  • mate:tldr:e9f11 mate: Open and wait until finished editing a specific file.
    $ mate --wait ${filename}
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tool overview