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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mcfly. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


McFly is a command-line tool designed to enhance your terminal history and make it easier to reuse previously executed commands. It aims to improve your productivity and save time.

With McFly, you no longer need to remember or search for long, complex commands you previously used. It acts as an intelligent autosuggestion tool, showing you previously executed commands as you type.

The suggestions provided by McFly are ranked based on various factors such as frequency of use, recency, and relevance. This helps you quickly find and select the command you want to reuse.

McFly supports various shells including Bash, Zsh, and Fish, and it integrates seamlessly with them. It automatically records your command history and saves it in a separate database file.

You can search through your command history using keywords to retrieve the relevant commands. This filtering capability makes it convenient to find specific commands based on different criteria.

McFly also allows you to edit your command before executing it, providing flexibility and the ability to modify commands on-the-fly.

It respects your privacy by excluding sensitive commands, such as those containing passwords, from its history.

The tool is highly customizable, allowing you to configure various aspects such as the display format, search behavior, and keybindings.

With its intuitive interface and smart suggestion system, McFly makes it easier to navigate and leverage your command history effectively.

Overall, McFly is a valuable addition to any command-line users' toolkit as it enhances productivity and efficiency in working with the terminal.

List of commands for mcfly:

  • mcfly:tldr:07972 mcfly: Train the suggestion engine (developer tool).
    $ mcfly train
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • mcfly:tldr:2949f mcfly: Print the mcfly integration code for the specified shell.
    $ mcfly init ${select}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • mcfly:tldr:73349 mcfly: Record that a directory has moved and transfer the historical records from the old path to the new one.
    $ mcfly move "${path-to-old_directory}" "${path-to-new_directory}"
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • mcfly:tldr:84775 mcfly: Display help for a specific subcommand.
    $ mcfly help ${subcommand}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • mcfly:tldr:a7cf8 mcfly: Search the history for a command, with 20 results.
    $ mcfly search --results ${20} "${search_terms}"
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • mcfly:tldr:c4ef6 mcfly: Add a new command to the history.
    $ mcfly add "${command}"
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview