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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool md5sum. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


  1. md5sum is a command line tool used to calculate and verify the MD5 hash value of files.
  2. MD5 (Message Digest Algorithm 5) is a widely used cryptographic hash function that produces a 128-bit (16-byte) hash value.
  3. The hash value is unique to the file, and any change in the file will result in a different MD5 hash value.
  4. The md5sum command is available in Unix-like operating systems such as Linux and macOS.
  5. It works by taking the input file and computing the MD5 hash value using the MD5 algorithm.
  6. The output of md5sum is a combination of the computed MD5 hash value and the filename.
  7. The computed MD5 hash value is typically represented in hexadecimal form.
  8. md5sum is often used to check the integrity of files by comparing the hash values of the original and downloaded files.
  9. If the hash values match, it indicates the file has not been tampered with during transmission.
  10. md5sum can also be used to generate checksums for a list of files and compare them against a known set of hash values for verification purposes.

List of commands for md5sum:

  • md5sum:tldr:6ad95 md5sum: Only show a message for missing files or when verification fails.
    $ md5sum --check --quiet ${filename-md5}
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  • md5sum:tldr:743d5 md5sum: Read a file of MD5 sums and filenames and verify all files have matching checksums.
    $ md5sum --check ${filename-md5}
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  • md5sum:tldr:b75e8 md5sum: Only show a message when verification fails, ignoring missing files.
    $ md5sum --ignore-missing --check --quiet ${filename-md5}
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  • md5sum:tldr:b8d90 md5sum: Calculate and save the list of MD5 checksums to a file.
    $ md5sum ${filename1 filename2 ---} > ${filename-md5}
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  • md5sum:tldr:dfafb md5sum: Calculate the MD5 checksum for one or more files.
    $ md5sum ${filename1 filename2 ---}
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