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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mdelete. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


mdelete is a command-line tool commonly used in Unix and Linux systems to delete multiple files or directories in a single command. It is part of the file transfer protocol (FTP) software and is used to delete files from a remote FTP server.

  1. The mdelete command is executed using the command-line interface, typically through a terminal or console.
  2. It offers a quick and efficient method to delete multiple files or directories without the need for repetitive individual deletion commands.
  3. Multiple files can be specified by providing their file names as arguments to the command.
  4. Users can also use wildcards, such as asterisks (*) or question marks (?), to specify groups of files that match a particular pattern.
  5. The mdelete command prompts for confirmation before deleting each file to ensure that unintentional deletions are avoided.
  6. It can be used to delete files or directories either locally or on a remote FTP server, depending on the current context and environment.
  7. When used in conjunction with other FTP commands, mdelete can be used to automate the deletion process, making it useful for scripting or batch processing tasks.
  8. The mdelete command can also handle recursive deletions, allowing users to delete directories and all their contents in one go.
  9. It is important to exercise caution when using mdelete as deleting files cannot be undone. Double-checking the list of files to be deleted is recommended.
  10. Mdelete is a convenient tool for managing file deletions, particularly in cases where large numbers of files or directories need to be removed with a single command.

List of commands for mdelete:

tool overview