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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool meroxa. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Meroxa is a command line tool designed to simplify data integration and streaming. It allows users to connect different data sources and destinations seamlessly, including databases, data warehouses, and cloud services.

With Meroxa, developers can easily set up real-time data pipelines by defining the data sources and destinations, specifying the transformations needed, and configuring the desired data flow.

It supports various data integration patterns, such as extract, transform, load (ETL), and extract, load, transform (ELT), enabling flexibility in data processing.

Meroxa provides an intuitive CLI interface, making it user-friendly and accessible for developers. It also offers features like schema evolution, automatic schema detection, and data type conversions, ensuring data accuracy and consistency during the integration process.

Additionally, Meroxa offers monitoring and troubleshooting capabilities, allowing users to easily track the data flow, detect errors, and take necessary actions to ensure data reliability.

Overall, Meroxa simplifies the complexities of data integration and streaming, enabling developers to build robust and efficient data pipelines with ease.

List of commands for meroxa:

  • meroxa:warp:1b3f9 Add an Elasticsearch resource to the Meroxa Platform
    $ meroxa resources create ${resource_name} --type elasticsearch --url "https://${es_username}:${es_password}@${es_url}:${es_port}" --metadata '{"index.prefix": "${es_index}","": "${es_incrementing_field}"}'
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  • meroxa:warp:37569 Add a Snowflake resource to the Meroxa Platform
    $ meroxa resource create ${resource_name} --type snowflakedb --url "snowflake://${snowflake_url}/meroxa_db/stream_data" --username meroxa_user --password ${snowflake_private_key}
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  • meroxa:warp:47c87 Add a Google BigQuery resource to the Meroxa Platform
    $ meroxa resources create ${resource_name} --type bigquery --url "bigquery://${gcp_project_id}/${gcp_dataset_name}" --client-key "$(cat ${gcp_service_account_json_file})"
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  • meroxa:warp:8e4c3 Add a Microsoft SQL Server resource to the Meroxa Platform
    $ meroxa resources create ${resource_name} --type sqlserver --url "sqlserver://${mssql_username}:${mssql_password}@${mssql_url}:${mssql_port}/${mssql_database_name}"
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  • meroxa:warp:91c6b Add a MySQL resource to the Meroxa Platform
    $ meroxa resources create ${resource_name} --type mysql -u "mysql://${mysql_username}:${mysql_password}@${mysql_url}:${mysql_port}/${mysql_database_name}"
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  • meroxa:warp:9e016 Add a Postgres resource with logical replication to the Meroxa Platform
    $ meroxa resources create ${resource_name} --type postgres --url "postgres://${pg_username}:${pg_password}@${pg_url}:${pg_port}/${pg_database_name}" --metadata '{"logical_replication":"true"}'
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  • meroxa:warp:afc58 Add a MongoDB resource to the Meroxa Platform
    $ meroxa resources create ${resource_name} --type mongodb -u "mongodb://${mongodb_username}:${mongodb_password}@${mongodb_url}:${mongodb_port}"
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  • meroxa:warp:b9cab Add an Amazon Redshift resource to the Meroxa Platform
    $ meroxa resources create ${resource_name} --type redshift --url "redshift://${redshift_username}:${redshift_password}@${redshift_url}:${redshift_port}/${redshift_db_name}"
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  • meroxa:warp:bed56 Add a Postgres resource without logical replication to the Meroxa Platform
    $ meroxa resources create ${resource_name} --type postgres --url "postgres://${pg_username}:${pg_password}@${pg_url}:${pg_port}/${pg_database_name}"
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tool overview