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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool minikube. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Minikube is a command line tool that enables users to run lightweight, single-node Kubernetes clusters locally on their machines. It is specifically designed for developers who want to test and experiment with Kubernetes on their own systems.

By using Minikube, developers can create a virtualized environment that mimics a real Kubernetes cluster, allowing them to deploy, manage, and monitor applications as if they were running on a production cluster.

Minikube supports multiple virtualization platforms such as VirtualBox, VMware, and KVM, making it compatible with various operating systems including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

With Minikube, users can easily create, start, stop, and delete Kubernetes clusters with just a few simple commands, simplifying the management of local development environments.

Minikube provides a dashboard that displays the status of the cluster and allows users to interact with and monitor the deployed applications.

Minikube also supports features like automatic DNS resolution and Docker image caching, which enhance the development experience by reducing network latency and improving the overall performance of the cluster.

Additionally, Minikube allows developers to easily access and interact with the services running within the cluster, making it convenient to test and debug applications locally.

Minikube supports Kubernetes features and APIs, including deploying YAML manifests, scaling applications, creating and managing secrets, and accessing logs and events.

It also integrates with kubectl, the Kubernetes command line tool, enabling users to seamlessly switch between managing local Minikube clusters and remote production clusters.

Overall, Minikube is a powerful and user-friendly tool that empowers developers to efficiently develop, test, and troubleshoot applications in a local Kubernetes environment, without the need for a full-scale production cluster.

List of commands for minikube:

tool overview