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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool minisign. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


minisign is a command line tool used for creating and verifying digital signatures. It is designed to function in a minimalist and secure manner. This tool was created by Frank Denis, the same developer behind the popular tool Signify.

minisign uses the EdDSA algorithm for creating digital signatures, which is a modern and secure algorithm. It uses the Ed25519 curve for key generation and signing operations. The signatures produced by minisign have a fixed length making them deterministic and easily verifiable.

One of the key features of minisign is its simplicity and ease of use. It has a minimal set of options and commands, making it accessible even for users with minimal experience in cryptography. The command line interface allows for quick and efficient signing and verification operations.

The tool supports both binary and text files for signing and verification purposes. It can handle files of any size, making it suitable for a wide range of use cases. It also provides the option to embed additional information such as comments or timestamps in the signatures.

minisign allows for the creation of key pairs with a passphrase that can provide an additional layer of security. It also supports the use of detached signatures, where the signature is stored separately from the file being signed.

The tool ensures integrity and authenticity by verifying both the file content and the signature itself. It checks that the signature matches the specified file and that it has been created by a trusted key. This helps to prevent tampering and unauthorized changes to files.

The minisign format is designed to be portable and compatible across different platforms. Signatures created using minisign can be verified using the tool on various operating systems, adding to its versatility.

Overall, minisign is a lightweight and efficient command line tool for creating and verifying digital signatures. Its simplicity, security, and compatibility make it a useful choice for anyone who wants to ensure the integrity and authenticity of their files.

List of commands for minisign:

  • minisign:tldr:8f278 minisign: Generate a new keypair at the default location.
    $ minisign -G
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  • minisign:tldr:b4e63 minisign: Verify a file and the trusted comments in its signature, specifying a public key as a Base64 encoded literal.
    $ minisign -Vm ${filename} -P "${public_key_base64}"
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  • minisign:tldr:c9d0f minisign: Sign a file.
    $ minisign -Sm ${filename}
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  • minisign:tldr:e52cd minisign: Verify a file and the trusted comments in its signature using the specified public key file.
    $ minisign -Vm ${filename} -p ${path-to-publickey-pub}
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  • minisign:tldr:f0827 minisign: Sign a file, adding a trusted (signed) and an untrusted (unsigned) comment in the signature.
    $ minisign -Sm ${filename} -c "${Untrusted comment}" -t "${Trusted comment}"
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tool overview