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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mirror. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Mirror is a command line tool that is commonly used for creating and maintaining copies of files or directories on a local system. It allows users to sync and replicate data between different locations or to backup important files and directories.

Mirror is known for its efficiency and speed in performing file transfers. It calculates and compares file hashes to determine which files need to be updated, added, or deleted in the destination location. This ensures that only the necessary changes are made, minimizing the time and resources required for the synchronization process.

The tool provides a variety of options and flags to customize the syncing process. Users can define the source and destination locations, exclude certain files or directories from the sync, and enable compression and encryption for added data security.

Mirror supports various protocols and file systems, enabling synchronization across networked systems or even remote servers. It can be utilized for both one-time transfers and continuous syncing, ensuring that the destination location remains up to date with the latest changes.

As a command line tool, Mirror offers automation capabilities through scripts or scheduled tasks. This allows for regular and automated backups or syncing operations without the need for manual intervention.

Overall, Mirror is a powerful and versatile command line tool that provides efficient synchronization and backup solutions for files and directories, making it a valuable asset for system administrators or anyone dealing with data replication needs.

List of commands for mirror:

  • lftp:tldr:8a75a lftp: Download or update an entire directory.
    $ mirror ${path-to-remote_dir} ${path-to-local_output_dir}
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  • lftp:tldr:fc192 lftp: Upload or update an entire directory.
    $ mirror -R ${path-to-local_dir} ${path-to-remote_output_dir}
    try on your machine
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tool overview