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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mitmdump. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Mitmdump is a command-line tool used for intercepting and analyzing network traffic. It is part of the popular open-source toolset called mitmproxy, which is widely used for security testing, debugging, and exploring web applications. Mitmdump specifically focuses on capturing network flows and displaying them in a readable format.

With mitmdump, users can intercept HTTP and HTTPS traffic from their command line interface. It can act as a transparent proxy, enabling users to monitor and modify requests and responses between clients and servers. The tool supports various filters and options to refine and manipulate captured traffic efficiently.

Mitmdump allows users to inspect headers, cookies, request bodies, and responses, giving valuable insights into the application's behavior. It supports SSL/TLS interception, allowing users to decrypt encrypted traffic for analysis purposes. It also provides the ability to modify requests and responses, making it useful for testing different scenarios or vulnerabilities.

The tool has a flexible scripting API, enabling users to automate tasks and create custom functionalities. It supports scripting in Python, allowing users to write scripts to manipulate, filter, or modify captured traffic based on their specific needs.

Mitmdump supports a wide range of platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it accessible to a broad user base. It has an active community of contributors and developers who regularly update and maintain the tool with new features and bug fixes.

The tool provides numerous command-line options for fine-tuning the network interception and analysis process. It supports various output formats, including human-readable ASCII and JSON, making it compatible with different tools and systems.

Mitmdump can be used in combination with other tools in the mitmproxy suite, such as mitmweb (a web-based interface) or mitmproxy (an interactive console-based tool), to further enhance network analysis capabilities.

In summary, mitmdump is a powerful command-line tool that enables users to capture, intercept, and analyze network traffic, making it a valuable asset for security professionals, developers, and anyone interested in understanding the inner workings of web applications.

List of commands for mitmdump:

  • mitmdump:tldr:be058 mitmdump: Filter a saved traffic file to just POST requests.
    $ mitmdump -nr ${input_filename} -w ${output_filename} "${~m post}"
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  • mitmdump:tldr:d1c1e mitmdump: Start a proxy and save all output to a file.
    $ mitmdump -w ${filename}
    try on your machine
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  • mitmdump:tldr:fd9ee mitmdump: Replay a saved traffic file.
    $ mitmdump -nc ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview