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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mitmproxy. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


mitmproxy is a versatile command line tool used for intercepting, inspecting, and modifying network traffic. It is designed to be used as a man-in-the-middle proxy, allowing users to intercept HTTP and HTTPS traffic between a client and server.

  1. mitmproxy provides a powerful interactive console interface and is highly extensible.
  2. It can be used for debugging, security testing, and reverse engineering of HTTP protocols.
  3. With mitmproxy, one can view and analyze HTTP requests and responses in real-time.
  4. It supports various formats for displaying request/response data, including a web interface and a command line console.
  5. The tool allows users to modify requests and responses on the fly, making it ideal for testing and debugging purposes.
  6. mitmproxy also has a scripting API that allows developers to write custom addons to extend its functionality.
  7. It supports SSL interception, enabling users to decrypt and inspect HTTPS traffic.
  8. It can be used to emulate network conditions, such as slow connections or high latency, to test application behavior under different scenarios.
  9. mitmproxy also provides functionality to replay captured requests, making it useful for testing and simulating different scenarios.
  10. It is a widely used tool by security professionals and developers for various network-related tasks due to its flexibility and extensive features.

List of commands for mitmproxy:

  • mitmproxy:tldr:6e8a2 mitmproxy: Start `mitmproxy` using a script to process traffic.
    $ mitmproxy --scripts ${path-to-script-py}
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  • mitmproxy:tldr:7ef94 mitmproxy: Start `mitmproxy` bound to a custom address and port.
    $ mitmproxy --listen-host ${ip_address} --listen-port ${port}
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  • mitmproxy:tldr:c24ba mitmproxy: Start `mitmproxy` with default settings.
    $ mitmproxy
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tool overview