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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mk. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "mk" command line tool is a utility used to create files and directories in UNIX-like systems. It is short for "make" and is often found in various distributions, like GNU Make.

When used without any arguments, "mk" displays a help message explaining its usage and available options.

To create a new directory, users can simply type "mk" followed by the directory name. For example, "mk mydir" would create a directory named "mydir" in the current location.

To create a file, users can specify the file name as an argument after the "mk" command. For instance, "mk myfile.txt" would create a new text file named "myfile.txt".

The "mk" command can create multiple directories and files at once by specifying multiple names as arguments.

If a file or directory with the same name already exists, "mk" usually displays an error message, though some implementations may provide options to override or append to existing files.

Permissions for newly created files and directories are typically set according to the default umask of the user executing the command.

The "mk" command is often used as part of shell scripts or makefiles to automate file and directory creation during build processes.

Various options may be available with "mk" depending on the specific implementation and platform being used. These options can include specifying file permissions, setting timestamps, and more.

While "mk" is a commonly used command for file and directory creation, it is important to note that the exact behavior and available options may vary among different operating systems and distributions.

Overall, the "mk" command is a convenient and versatile tool for quickly creating files and directories from the command line in UNIX-like environments.

List of commands for mk:

  • mk:tldr:48419 mk: Force mking of a target, even if source files are unchanged.
    $ mk -w${target} ${target}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • mk:tldr:82062 mk: Call a specific target.
    $ mk ${target}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • mk:tldr:92a11 mk: Assume all targets to be out of date. Thus, update `target` and all of its dependencies.
    $ mk -a ${target}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • mk:tldr:ec7f1 mk: Keep going as far as possible on error.
    $ mk -k
    try on your machine
    explain this command
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