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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mkfs.btrfs. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


  1. The mkfs.btrfs command line tool is used to create a Btrfs (B-tree file system) on Linux systems.
  2. Btrfs is a modern file system that offers advanced features such as snapshotting, data compression, RAID-like functionality, and scalability.
  3. With the mkfs.btrfs command, you can initialize a device or partition to be formatted as a Btrfs file system.
  4. It allows you to specify various options during the file system creation process, such as the use of a specific block size, enabling data compression, or setting up RAID profiles.
  5. The tool utilizes the Btrfs volume management system, allowing you to configure multiple devices or partitions to be used together as a single Btrfs file system.
  6. Mkfs.btrfs can also be used to modify existing Btrfs file systems by adding or removing devices, resizing the file system, or changing parameters like the block size or compression settings.
  7. It is important to note that mkfs.btrfs operations typically require root privileges, as creating or modifying file systems directly affects the underlying storage system.

List of commands for mkfs.btrfs:

  • mkfs.btrfs:tldr:0334b mkfs.btrfs: Set a label for the filesystem.
    $ sudo mkfs.btrfs --label "${label}" ${-dev-sda} [${-dev-sdN}]
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  • mkfs.btrfs:tldr:b33fd mkfs.btrfs: Create a btrfs filesystem on a single device.
    $ sudo mkfs.btrfs --metadata single --data single ${-dev-sda}
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  • mkfs.btrfs:tldr:cddcf mkfs.btrfs: Create a btrfs filesystem on multiple devices with raid1.
    $ sudo mkfs.btrfs --metadata raid1 --data raid1 ${-dev-sda} ${-dev-sdb} ${-dev-sdN}
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