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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mkfs.exfat. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


mkfs.exfat is a command line tool used to create a file system in the exFAT format. exFAT stands for Extended File Allocation Table, which is a proprietary file system introduced by Microsoft.

This tool allows you to format a storage device, such as a USB drive or an SD card, with the exFAT file system. The exFAT file system is known for its compatibility with various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and some Linux distributions.

By using the mkfs.exfat command, you can specify the device or partition you want to format, and it will initialize the file system on that storage device, making it ready for use. It supports customizable options like specifying the file system label or volume name during the formatting process.

The command line tool also provides options to check and repair exFAT file systems. These options can be used to verify the integrity of the file system or fix any errors that may occur.

It is important to note that using mkfs.exfat will erase all existing data on the storage device, so caution should be exercised when using this command. Additionally, administrative privileges might be required to execute the mkfs.exfat command.

List of commands for mkfs.exfat:

  • mkfs.exfat:tldr:42ad7 mkfs.exfat: Create filesystem with a volume-id.
    $ mkfs.exfat -i ${volume_id} ${-dev-sdb1}
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  • mkfs.exfat:tldr:76ab8 mkfs.exfat: Create filesystem with a volume-name.
    $ mkfs.exfat -n ${volume_name} ${-dev-sdb1}
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  • mkfs.exfat:tldr:db906 mkfs.exfat: Create an exfat filesystem inside partition 1 on device b (`sdb1`).
    $ mkfs.exfat ${-dev-sdb1}
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