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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mkfs.ext2. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


mkfs.ext2 is a command line tool used in Linux systems to create an ext2 file system on a storage device. Ext2, short for the second extended file system, is a popular file system used in Linux.

The mkfs.ext2 command is typically used with a specific device name as an argument, like /dev/sda1, to format the given storage device with the ext2 file system. This command initializes the file system metadata structures and allocates blocks for data storage.

mkfs.ext2 allows users to specify various options such as block size, number of reserved blocks, and volume label during the formatting process. These options can be crucial for optimizing storage space and controlling file system behavior.

It is important to note that mkfs.ext2 does not create a partition or modify the partition table. It works specifically on a device or partition level.

Once the formatting is complete, the storage device with ext2 file system can be mounted and used to store files and directories. However, it is worth mentioning that ext2 is an older file system, and newer versions like ext3 and ext4 are more commonly used today, as they offer additional features and improvements.

List of commands for mkfs.ext2:

  • mke2fs:tldr:5ad37 mke2fs: Create an ext2 filesystem in partition 1 of device b (`sdb1`).
    $ mkfs.ext2 ${-dev-sdb1}
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