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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mkfs.minix. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Mkfs.minix is a command line tool used for creating a Minix file system on Unix-like operating systems. It stands for "make file system" and is a part of the Minix file system utilities.

The tool is typically used to format a disk partition or device with a Minix file system, allowing it to be used for storing files and directories.

Mkfs.minix supports various options and parameters to customize the file system creation process. These options include specifying block size, inode size, maximum number of inodes, reserved block count, and more.

The tool performs essential tasks during the file system creation, such as allocating and initializing the superblock, inode table, and data blocks. It also sets up the necessary file system structures for proper functionality and metadata storage.

Mkfs.minix supports different versions of the Minix file system, including Minix V1, V2, and V3. Depending on the version specified, the tool adapts the formatting process accordingly to comply with the specific Minix file system specifications.

Once a file system is created using mkfs.minix, it can be mounted and accessed by the operating system, allowing users to read, write, and manipulate files and directories stored within the Minix file system.

Overall, mkfs.minix is a powerful and essential tool for creating Minix file systems, enabling efficient data storage and management on Unix-like systems.

List of commands for mkfs.minix:

  • mkfs.minix:tldr:ed9c2 mkfs.minix: Create a Minix filesystem inside partition 1 on device b (`sdb1`).
    $ mkfs.minix ${-dev-sdb1}
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