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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mkfs.ntfs. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "mkfs.ntfs" is used to create an NTFS file system on a disk partition or a device in Linux-based systems. It is part of the NTFS-3G package, which provides read and write access to NTFS partitions.

Typically, "mkfs.ntfs" is executed with the device or partition as an argument, for example, "/dev/sdb1". It formats the specified device to the NTFS file system, erasing any existing data in the process.

It offers various options to customize the file system creation, such as specifying the cluster size, creating a bootable NTFS, choosing a label for the partition, and so on.

"mkfs.ntfs" also supports the repair of some specific NTFS issues, like overlapping extents or incorrect lengths, during the creation of the file system.

Additionally, it provides information on the created file system, including its UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) and other parameters.

It is important to note that "mkfs.ntfs" is a powerful command that requires administrative privileges and should be used with caution to prevent accidental data loss.

Overall, "mkfs.ntfs" allows Linux users to create NTFS file systems on partitions or devices, offering flexibility and compatibility with Windows systems.

List of commands for mkfs.ntfs:

  • mkfs.ntfs:tldr:38aa7 mkfs.ntfs: Create filesystem with a volume-label.
    $ mkfs.ntfs -L ${volume_label} ${-dev-sdb1}
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  • mkfs.ntfs:tldr:d08d1 mkfs.ntfs: Create a NTFS filesystem inside partition 1 on device b (`sdb1`).
    $ mkfs.ntfs ${-dev-sdb1}
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  • mkfs.ntfs:tldr:ea34d mkfs.ntfs: Create filesystem with specific UUID.
    $ mkfs.ntfs -U ${UUID} ${-dev-sdb1}
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