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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mkisofs. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Mkisofs is a command line tool used to create ISO 9660 file systems, commonly used for creating CD or DVD images in Linux and UNIX operating systems. It stands for "make ISO file system" and is also sometimes referred to as genisoimage.

This tool is part of the cdrkit package and is open-source software, allowing users to modify and distribute it. The basic syntax for using mkisofs involves specifying various options and arguments to define the characteristics of the ISO image being created.

With mkisofs, users can specify the file system type, volume name, directory structure, and file permissions for the resulting ISO image. It supports a wide range of options for customization, including bootable images, multiple file system formats, and character encoding.

The generated ISO images can be burned to physical media or used for virtual machines, software distribution, or archiving purposes. Mkisofs has been widely used for creating Linux distribution installation discs and is a versatile tool for managing and manipulating ISO files from the command line.

List of commands for mkisofs:

  • mkisofs:tldr:5b122 mkisofs: Set the disc label when creating an ISO.
    $ mkisofs -o ${filename-iso} -V "${label_name}" ${path-to-source_directory}
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  • mkisofs:tldr:8b7ac mkisofs: Create an ISO from a directory.
    $ mkisofs -o ${filename-iso} ${path-to-source_directory}
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