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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mknod. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "mknod" command line tool is a Unix/Linux command used for creating special files known as device nodes. It is primarily used by system administrators to create these special files which are crucial for device communication in the Linux kernel. The "mknod" command is followed by options and arguments to specify the type and properties of the device node to create. It can be used to create different types of device files, such as character devices (used for terminal or serial communication) or block devices (used for disk or storage access). The tool allows administrators to specify the major and minor numbers associated with the device, which are used by the kernel to determine the device type and location. The "mknod" command can also be used for creating named pipes (FIFOs) or other types of special files required for specific system configurations. It is a powerful tool that needs to be used with caution and by knowledgeable users due to its potential to affect system functionality.

List of commands for mknod:

  • mknod:tldr:20672 mknod: Create a device file with default SELinux security context.
    $ sudo mknod -Z ${path-to-device_file} ${type} ${major_device_number} ${minor_device_number}
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  • mknod:tldr:98823 mknod: Create a block device.
    $ sudo mknod ${path-to-device_file} b ${major_device_number} ${minor_device_number}
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  • mknod:tldr:ad4c6 mknod: Create a FIFO (queue) device.
    $ sudo mknod ${path-to-device_file} p
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  • mknod:tldr:ee30c mknod: Create a character device.
    $ sudo mknod ${path-to-device_file} c ${major_device_number} ${minor_device_number}
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