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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool module. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


A command-line tool or utility is a program designed to be executed from the command line or terminal of an operating system. It enables users to interact with a computer system by typing commands instead of using a graphical user interface (GUI).

Modules, in the context of a command-line tool, are separate components or libraries that add specific functionality to the tool. They provide extra commands, functions, or features that extend the capabilities of the tool.

A module can be written in various programming languages, depending on the tool's design. For example, a command-line tool written in Python can use Python modules to access additional functionality.

Modules can be created by the tool's developers or by third-party developers who want to enhance the tool's capabilities. These modules can be distributed separately and integrated into the tool as plugins.

Using modules allows command-line tools to be more adaptable and flexible. Users can choose which modules to install based on their specific needs, making the tool more customizable.

Modules often offer additional functionality related to specific tasks or domains, such as networking, file manipulation, database interaction, or system administration. This allows users to tailor the tool to their requirements, making it more efficient and versatile.

Overall, modules in command-line tools provide a way to extend and enhance the features of the tool, making it more powerful, customizable, and useful for various tasks and scenarios.

List of commands for module:

tool overview