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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool moe. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


MOE is a command line tool that stands for "Managed Online Environment." It is a software framework developed by Google and widely used for efficient and scalable experimentation and optimizations. MOE allows users to simulate, test, and optimize their systems and designs before implementing them.

The primary purpose of MOE is to offer a controlled environment for testing and refining designs, without affecting production systems. It enables researchers and developers to experiment with different variables, parameters, and configurations to find the most optimal solutions.

MOE supports various types of optimizations, such as multi-objective optimization, single-objective optimization, and contextual multi-armed bandit. It incorporates different optimization techniques to find the best solutions based on user-defined objectives and constraints.

The tool is designed to be highly customizable, allowing users to define their own objective functions, constraints, and optimization algorithms. It provides APIs and interfaces to extend and integrate MOE with existing systems and frameworks.

MOE includes features like Bayesian optimization, Latin hypercube sampling, and Gaussian processes that aid in converging to the best possible solutions with minimal iterations.

The tool supports parallelization, enabling users to distribute experimentation workloads across multiple processors, clusters, or cloud instances, thus reducing the time required for large-scale optimizations.

MOE also offers visualization capabilities, allowing users to plot and analyze optimization results, compare different runs, and understand the performance of different configurations.

Overall, MOE provides a powerful and flexible command line tool for researchers and developers to efficiently experiment, optimize, and refine their designs and systems.

List of commands for moe:

  • moe:tldr:83cf8 moe: Edit a file ignoring case in searches.
    $ moe --ignore-case ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • moe:tldr:b4891 moe: Edit a file without creating backups.
    $ moe --no-backup ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • moe:tldr:d2820 moe: Open a file as read-only.
    $ moe --read-only ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • moe:tldr:f8393 moe: Open moe and create a backup file (file~) when saving edits.
    $ moe ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview