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Mosquitto_passwd is a command line tool used to manage username and password authentication in the Mosquitto MQTT broker.
- It is specifically designed to create and manage password files for the Mosquitto MQTT broker, which is an open-source message broker that implements MQTT protocol versions 3.1 and 3.1.1.
- Mosquitto_passwd allows you to easily generate a password file and add usernames and corresponding passwords to it.
- The generated password file can be used by the Mosquitto broker to authenticate clients trying to connect to it.
- It uses a simple text-file format with one entry per line, where each entry includes the username and the password hash.
- The password hashes are stored in the password file to ensure the security of the passwords and avoid storing them in plain text.
- Mosquitto_passwd uses the bcrypt algorithm to hash passwords, which is a strong and secure password hashing algorithm.
- It provides functionality to add, modify, and delete username-password pairs in the password file.
- Additionally, it allows you to change the encryption algorithm or adjust the number of rounds for the bcrypt algorithm.
- The tool can be executed from the command line with various options to perform different operations such as adding users, changing passwords, and verifying username-password pairs.
- Mosquitto_passwd is a crucial tool for implementing secure MQTT communication by adding an additional layer of authentication to the MQTT broker.
List of commands for mosquitto_passwd:
mosquitto_passwd:tldr:1ac29 mosquitto_passwd: Upgrade an old plain-text password file to a hashed password file.$ mosquitto_passwd -U ${path-to-password_file}try on your machineexplain this command
mosquitto_passwd:tldr:325f4 mosquitto_passwd: Create the password file if it doesn't already exist.$ mosquitto_passwd -c ${path-to-password_file} ${username}try on your machineexplain this command
mosquitto_passwd:tldr:bc376 mosquitto_passwd: Add a new user to a password file (will prompt to enter the password).$ mosquitto_passwd ${path-to-password_file} ${username}try on your machineexplain this command