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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mp3info. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


mp3info is a command line tool that allows users to obtain detailed information about MP3 files.

  1. It is designed to work with MP3 files specifically and provides a simple way to access and retrieve various metadata associated with these files.
  2. mp3info can display information such as the title, artist, album, track number, duration, bitrate, sample rate, and file size of an MP3 file.
  3. The tool supports both ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags, which are the most common standards used to store metadata in MP3 files.
  4. Users can use mp3info to view the tags within an MP3 file, edit the existing tags, or even remove specific tags from the file.
  5. It can also calculate and display statistics about the audio content of an MP3 file, including the average bit rate and the estimated length of the encoded audio.
  6. mp3info supports batch processing, allowing users to retrieve or modify tags for multiple MP3 files at once.
  7. It provides a user-friendly and intuitive interface, enabling users to navigate and interact with the tool easily.
  8. The tool is written in Perl programming language and can be installed and used on various operating systems, including Unix-like systems, macOS, and Windows.
  9. mp3info is a lightweight tool that consumes minimal system resources, making it efficient and fast when working with large collections of MP3 files.
  10. Overall, mp3info is a useful command line utility for anyone who wants to quickly view or modify the metadata of MP3 files without the need for complex multimedia applications.

List of commands for mp3info:

  • mp3info:tldr:36dc7 mp3info: Edit ID3v1 tags interactively.
    $ mp3info -i ${filename-mp3}
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  • mp3info:tldr:44856 mp3info: Print a list of valid genres and their numeric codes.
    $ mp3info -G
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  • mp3info:tldr:c6286 mp3info: Set the number of the track in the album for a specific MP3 file.
    $ mp3info -n ${track_number} ${filename-mp3}
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  • mp3info:tldr:c6dce mp3info: Set the music genre for a specific MP3 file.
    $ mp3info -g ${genre_number} ${filename-mp3}
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  • mp3info:tldr:cc08a mp3info: Show all ID3v1 tags of a specific MP3 file.
    $ mp3info ${filename-mp3}
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  • mp3info:tldr:d05c0 mp3info: Set values for ID3v1 tags in a specific MP3 file.
    $ mp3info -a "${artist_name}" -t "${song_title}" -l "${album_title}" -y ${year} -c "${comment_text}" ${filename-mp3}
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tool overview