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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool msiexec. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "msiexec" is a command line tool used for managing and manipulating Windows Installer packages (MSI files). It is a part of the Microsoft Windows Installer technology, which is responsible for installing, uninstalling, and maintaining software on Windows systems. The tool allows for various operations, such as installation, uninstallation, repair, and administrative tasks related to MSI packages.

With the "msiexec" command, you can specify various parameters and options to control the behavior of the installer. It can be used to install software silently, without any user interaction, or to display user interface dialogs for user choices during installation. Additionally, "msiexec" provides logging capabilities to track installation progress and troubleshoot any issues.

You can also utilize "msiexec" to extract files from an MSI package or perform administrative tasks such as listing installed software packages, modifying installed features, or applying patches to already installed software. It also enables the creation of administrative installations for deploying software across multiple machines.

The "msiexec" command is an essential tool for system administrators, software developers, and power users to manage software installations effectively and automate deployment tasks on Windows systems.

List of commands for msiexec:

  • msiexec:tldr:963b7 msiexec: Uninstall a program or patch using their respective MSI or MSP file.
    $ msiexec /uninstall ${path\to\file}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • msiexec:tldr:e4d67 msiexec: Install a MSP patch file.
    $ msiexec /update ${path\to\file-msp}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • msiexec:tldr:eca68 msiexec: Install a program from its MSI package.
    $ msiexec /package ${path\to\file-msi}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview