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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool musescore. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


MuseScore is a command line tool that allows you to create, edit, and play sheet music. It is an open-source software, available for various operating systems including Windows, Mac, and Linux. With MuseScore, you can compose music, arrange existing compositions, and create professional-quality sheet music.

The tool supports a wide range of musical symbols and notation elements, allowing you to accurately notate your compositions. It provides an intuitive graphical interface but also offers extensive command line capabilities for automation and integration with other tools.

MuseScore can import and export various file formats, including MusicXML and MIDI files, enabling compatibility with other music software. It also includes a playback feature that allows you to listen to your compositions directly within the tool.

Advanced features of MuseScore include support for intricate musical phrasing, repetitions, multiple voices, and more. It offers a variety of templates and style options to customize the appearance of your sheet music.

To use MuseScore from the command line, you can specify options and parameters to automate tasks like batch conversions, exporting parts from a composition, or engraving PDF files. Examples of command line usage include exporting a composition to a specific file format or converting a folder of MusicXML files to MIDI.

Overall, MuseScore is a powerful command line tool for musicians, composers, and music enthusiasts, offering both a user-friendly interface and extensive command line capabilities for efficient music notation tasks.

List of commands for musescore:

  • musescore:tldr:2b2fc musescore: Print a diff between the given scores.
    $ musescore --diff ${filename1} ${filename2}
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  • musescore:tldr:652d2 musescore: Export the given file to the specified output file. The file type depends on the given extension.
    $ musescore --export-to ${output_file} ${input_file}
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  • musescore:tldr:68118 musescore: Set the MP3 output bitrate in kbit/s.
    $ musescore --bitrate ${bitrate}
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  • musescore:tldr:93ab7 musescore: Specify a MIDI import operations file.
    $ musescore --midi-operations ${filename}
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  • musescore:tldr:cbff0 musescore: Use a specific audio driver.
    $ musescore --audio-driver ${select}
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  • musescore:tldr:e2c80 musescore: Enable experimental features, such as layers.
    $ musescore --experimental
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  • musescore:tldr:f7cea musescore: Start MuseScore in debug mode.
    $ musescore --debug
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tool overview