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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mv. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


In its first form, the mv utility renames the file named by the source operand to the destination path named by the target operand. This form is assumed when the last operand does not name an already existing directory.

List of commands for mv:

  • files:file:move Move a file to another directory or just rename it.
    $ mv ${sourceFile} ${destinationFile}
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  • mv:tldr:66873 mv: Move files in verbose mode, showing files after they are moved.
    $ mv -v ${path-to-source} ${path-to-target}
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  • mv:tldr:6bf66 mv: Prompt for confirmation before overwriting existing files, regardless of file permissions.
    $ mv -i ${path-to-source} ${path-to-target}
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  • mv:tldr:83e2e mv: Do not prompt for confirmation before overwriting existing files.
    $ mv -f ${path-to-source} ${path-to-target}
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  • mv:tldr:df81d mv: Do not overwrite existing files at the target.
    $ mv -n ${path-to-source} ${path-to-target}
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tool overview