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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mysqlbinlog. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The mysqlbinlog command line tool is part of the MySQL database system and is used for reading and analyzing binary log files. These binary log files contain a record of SQL statements that have been executed on a MySQL server.

This tool allows users to read and interpret these log files, providing insights into the changes and transactions that have occurred in a MySQL database over time. It can be particularly useful for tasks such as point-in-time recovery, auditing, and troubleshooting.

By running the mysqlbinlog command with the appropriate options, users can view the contents of binary log files, filter the output based on specific criteria, and convert the logged statements into human-readable format. It supports both the raw binary log format and the newer row-based binary log format.

Additionally, mysqlbinlog enables users to extract individual SQL statements from the log files, selectively replay them on another server, or save them for future analysis. It also allows for a variety of output formats, including standard output, file output, or even piping the output to other commands or tools.

The tool offers various options to control its behavior, such as controlling the number of events shown, specifying the timestamp range for log entries, skipping certain event types, or specifying a particular network protocol for communication with the server.

Overall, mysqlbinlog is a powerful command line tool for examining and manipulating binary log files in a MySQL database, providing administrators and developers valuable information about the history of database changes and enabling them to diagnose and resolve issues.

List of commands for mysqlbinlog:

  • mysqlbinlog:tldr:5970c mysqlbinlog: Show events from a binary log between specific positions.
    $ mysqlbinlog --start-position=${100} --stop-position=${200} ${path-to-binlog}
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  • mysqlbinlog:tldr:8f0fc mysqlbinlog: Show events from a binary log between specific dates.
    $ mysqlbinlog --start-datetime='${2022-01-01 01:00:00}' --stop-datetime='${2022-02-01 01:00:00}' ${path-to-binlog}
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  • mysqlbinlog:tldr:b5e16 mysqlbinlog: Show entries from a binary log for a specific database.
    $ mysqlbinlog --database ${database_name} ${path-to-binlog}
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  • mysqlbinlog:tldr:cc438 mysqlbinlog: Show events from a specific binary log file.
    $ mysqlbinlog ${path-to-binlog}
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  • mysqlbinlog:tldr:cd62d mysqlbinlog: Show binary log from a MySQL server on the given host.
    $ mysqlbinlog --host=${hostname} ${path-to-binlog}
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