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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool namcap. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Namcap is a command line tool used in Arch Linux to perform static analysis of package build files and binary packages. It scans the packages and provides a report highlighting potential issues or errors. Namcap checks various aspects of the package including its structural integrity, commonly overlooked files or directories, dependencies, permissions, and other metadata. It helps package maintainers in detecting packaging mistakes or oversights before the packages are distributed. Namcap leverages a set of predefined checks and rules to perform the analysis, and it can also be extended with custom scripts. The tool is lightweight, efficient, and designed specifically for Arch Linux, making it an essential part of the package maintenance process. It aids in ensuring the quality and reliability of packages in the Arch Linux ecosystem.

List of commands for namcap:

  • namcap:tldr:1e841 namcap: Check a specific `PKGBUILD` file.
    $ namcap ${path-to-pkgbuild}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • namcap:tldr:79df2 namcap: Check a file, printing extra [i]nformational messages.
    $ namcap -i ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview