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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ncc. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


NCC is a command line tool that stands for "Nerves Compile Command". It is primarily used in the development of firmware for embedded systems. NCC is specifically designed to compile and package software for deployment on Nerves, a platform that allows developers to build and deploy reliable firmware for IoT devices. It supports multiple programming languages, such as Elixir, C, and Rust, allowing developers to choose the language that best suits their project requirements. NCC is built on a buildroot-based system, meaning it uses a minimal Linux distribution customized for building Nerves firmware. Developers can use NCC to compile and cross-compile their code, ensuring optimal performance for embedded systems with limited resources. It provides various options and customizations to configure the output firmware, including the ability to add additional packages, configure networking, and specify the target hardware. NCC can also automatically download and manage required dependencies, simplifying the setup process for developers. The tool offers a robust and efficient workflow for building, testing, and packaging firmware, making it easier to iterate and deploy updates to IoT devices. Overall, NCC is a powerful command line tool that simplifies the compilation and deployment of firmware for Nerves, enabling developers to create reliable and efficient IoT solutions.

List of commands for ncc:

  • ncc:tldr:11a58 ncc: Bundle a Node.js application.
    $ ncc build ${filename-js}
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  • ncc:tldr:737b5 ncc: Bundle and minify a Node.js application and generate source maps.
    $ ncc build --source-map ${filename-js}
    try on your machine
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  • ncc:tldr:7c7e0 ncc: Automatically recompile on changes to source files.
    $ ncc build --watch ${filename-js}
    try on your machine
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  • ncc:tldr:93675 ncc: Clean the `ncc` cache.
    $ ncc clean cache
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  • ncc:tldr:9d3bb ncc: Bundle a Node.js application into a temporary directory and run it for testing.
    $ ncc run ${filename-js}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview