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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool nice. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


nice is a command line tool for Unix-like operating systems, used to modify the priority level of running processes. It allows users to adjust how much CPU time a process gets, giving them control over the execution priority.

The nice command is used to launch other commands or processes with an altered priority level. By assigning a specific priority value, users can control how much CPU time a command will receive compared to other tasks running on the system.

The priority level ranges from -20 to +19, where -20 represents the highest priority, and +19 represents the lowest priority. The default priority is 0.

Using nice, users with administrative privileges can launch high-priority tasks or reduce the priority of resource-intensive processes, helping to manage system resources more efficiently.

The nice command can be used in combination with other commands, such as renice, to alter the priority of currently running processes.

While nice can be beneficial to assign CPU priority, it should be used with caution, as assigning higher priority to a process may impact the performance of other tasks.

nice operates through a priority-boosting mechanism, where it provides certain tasks with additional resources while maintaining fairness among all processes.

With the help of nice, administrators can optimize the responsiveness of critical processes or temporarily reduce the impact of resource-heavy tasks on a system.

The utility of nice becomes particularly significant when dealing with long-running or system-critical tasks that may require more resources to execute smoothly.

Ultimately, nice empowers users to manage how processes interact within the system, ensuring efficient utilization of available resources for a smoother overall performance.

List of commands for nice:

  • nice:tldr:7cca2 nice: Launch a program with altered priority.
    $ nice -n ${niceness_value} ${command}
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