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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool nim. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Nim is a powerful programming language that allows developers to write efficient and portable code. It also comes with a command line tool called "nim" that provides various functionalities.

  1. The nim command line tool is used to compile and run Nim programs.
  2. It supports compilation to different targets, including C, C++, JavaScript, and more.
  3. Nim programs can be compiled with different optimization levels using the -d flag.
  4. The nim command line tool allows developers to specify the desired output executable name.
  5. It provides options to enable or disable specific language features, like garbage collection or runtime checks.
  6. The tool can also generate documentation from Nim source code.
  7. Developers can run unit tests using the nim tool with the --run flag.
  8. It supports incremental compilation, making it faster to recompile only modified parts of a project.
  9. The nim tool includes a package manager called "nimble" that allows easy installation and management of Nim packages.
  10. It provides various additional utilities for tasks like profiling, formatting, and linting Nim code.

Overall, the nim command line tool is a versatile and essential component of the Nim programming language ecosystem, offering a wide range of functionalities for developers.

List of commands for nim:

  • nim:tldr:16183 nim: Generate HTML documentation for a module (output will be placed in the current directory).
    $ nim doc ${filename-nim}
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  • nim:tldr:2c0f0 nim: Build a release binary optimized for low file size.
    $ nim compile -d:release --opt:size ${filename-nim}
    try on your machine
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  • nim:tldr:52e9b nim: Compile a source file.
    $ nim compile ${filename-nim}
    try on your machine
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  • nim:tldr:93dee nim: Check a file for syntax and semantics.
    $ nim check ${filename-nim}
    try on your machine
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  • nim:tldr:c7367 nim: Compile a source file with release optimizations enabled.
    $ nim compile -d:release ${filename-nim}
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  • nim:tldr:e111c nim: Compile and run a source file.
    $ nim compile -r ${filename-nim}
    try on your machine
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tool overview