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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool nitrogen. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Nitrogen is a command-line tool designed specifically for managing and setting wallpaper in the X Window System. It is primarily used on Unix-like systems, including Linux distributions, as a lightweight alternative to desktop environment utilities for wallpaper management.

With Nitrogen, users can easily set, crop, resize, and rotate wallpapers, as well as organize them into different directories and apply them to specific screens or workspaces. It supports various image formats such as JPEG, PNG, BMP, and GIF, allowing users to choose from a wide range of wallpapers.

One of Nitrogen's key features is its simplicity and efficiency, as it consumes minimal system resources while providing a straightforward and user-friendly interface. This makes it suitable for both casual users and advanced desktop environments that require a lightweight wallpaper manager.

Nitrogen also offers command-line options for scripting purposes, making it versatile for automation and customization tasks. It can be integrated into shell scripts or used in conjunction with other tools to change wallpapers based on certain conditions or triggers.

Furthermore, Nitrogen supports multi-monitor setups, allowing users to configure different wallpapers for each screen or span a single wallpaper across multiple displays. This provides flexibility and customization options for users with multiple monitors.

Overall, Nitrogen is a reliable and efficient command-line tool that simplifies wallpaper management in the X Window System, offering flexibility and customization while consuming minimal system resources.

List of commands for nitrogen:

  • nitrogen:tldr:026db nitrogen: View and set the wallpapers from a specific directory.
    $ nitrogen ${path-to-directory}
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  • nitrogen:tldr:58254 nitrogen: Restore the previous wallpaper.
    $ nitrogen --restore
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  • nitrogen:tldr:8979f nitrogen: Set the wallpaper with automatic size settings.
    $ nitrogen --set-auto ${filename}
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