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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool npm-name. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


npm-name is a command line tool used for checking the availability of package names on the npm registry. It allows developers to quickly and easily search for package names and see if they are already taken or available for registration. The tool can be installed globally using the npm package manager.

To check the availability of a package name, you can simply run npm-name [name] in the command line, replacing [name] with the desired package name you want to check. If the package name is taken, npm-name will return a message indicating that it is not available.

npm-name utilizes both the npm registry and the yarn registry to ensure comprehensive search results. It fetches and analyzes data from these registries, making the process of checking package name availability accurate and up-to-date.

In addition to searching for package names, npm-name also supports a variety of command line options. These options allow you to filter results based on certain criteria, such as showing only available names, excluding certain words, or limiting the search to a specific number of results.

npm-name can be useful for developers who want to find unique and unused package names for their projects. It saves time by providing a simple method to check name availability without needing to manually search through the npm website or other resources. It is a valuable tool for ensuring that your package has a distinct and recognizable name within the npm ecosystem.

List of commands for npm-name:

  • npm-name:tldr:75aa4 npm-name: Check if a specific package name is available in the npm registry.
    $ npm-name ${package}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • npm-name:tldr:8537a npm-name: Find similar package names in the npm registry.
    $ npm-name --similar ${package}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview