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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool nslookup. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


NSLOOKUP is a command line tool used for querying the Domain Name System (DNS) to obtain information about domain names, IP addresses, and related information. It is commonly available on most operating systems.

The primary purpose of NSLOOKUP is to perform DNS lookups and troubleshoot DNS-related issues. It allows you to check the DNS records of a specific domain, such as A, AAAA, MX, NS, PTR, SOA, and TXT records.

With NSLOOKUP, you can retrieve the IP address associated with a domain name or vice versa. The tool also provides the ability to perform reverse DNS lookups to obtain the domain name associated with a given IP address.

It offers options to set the DNS server to use for the lookup, which enables you to check the records on different DNS servers. This can be helpful in diagnosing DNS configuration problems.

NSLOOKUP provides additional commands to view a complete list of DNS records for a domain, trace the route to a specific DNS server, and perform iterative queries to identify the DNS servers responsible for a domain.

The tool allows you to perform debug and troubleshooting tasks by enabling you to test the connectivity and response time of DNS servers. It can help identify DNS resolution issues, such as incorrect DNS server IP addresses or misconfigurations.

NSLOOKUP also provides a built-in interactive mode, where you can enter commands directly without launching the tool multiple times. This mode can streamline the DNS query process and allows you to perform consecutive queries efficiently.

Overall, NSLOOKUP is a versatile command line tool that offers many features to analyze and troubleshoot DNS-related problems. It is widely used by system administrators, network engineers, and developers to ensure proper DNS functionality and resolve domain name resolution issues.

List of commands for nslookup:

  • nslookup:tldr:1ec16 nslookup: Query for a reverse lookup (PTR record) of an IP address.
    $ nslookup -type=PTR ${54-240-162-118}
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  • nslookup:tldr:20ebe nslookup: Query a given name server for the whole zone file (zone transfer) of the domain using TCP protocol.
    $ nslookup -vc -type=AXFR ${example-com} ${name_server}
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  • nslookup:tldr:27d5e nslookup: Query a given name server for a NS record of the domain.
    $ nslookup -type=NS ${example-com} ${8-8-8-8}
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  • nslookup:tldr:459a1 nslookup: Query a given name server on a specific port number for a TXT record of the domain.
    $ nslookup -port=${port_number} -type=TXT ${example-com} ${name_server}
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  • nslookup:tldr:62663 nslookup: Query your system's default name server for an IP address (A record) of the domain.
    $ nslookup ${example-com}
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  • nslookup:tldr:961a1 nslookup: Query for a mail server (MX record) of the domain, showing details of the transaction.
    $ nslookup -type=MX -debug ${example-com}
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  • nslookup:tldr:e4c6d nslookup: Query for ANY available records using TCP protocol.
    $ nslookup -vc -type=ANY ${example-com}
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tool overview