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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool nvram. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "nvram" stands for Non-Volatile Random Access Memory and is used primarily in Unix-like operating systems to manipulate the firmware settings stored in the NVRAM of the computer. NVRAM is a small amount of memory that retains its data even when the computer is turned off.

The "nvram" command allows users to read, write, and delete variables stored in the NVRAM. It can also display a list of all the variables currently set in the NVRAM.

This tool is often used to configure system-specific settings, such as boot arguments, hardware parameters, and firmware settings, without requiring a reboot. It provides a way to persistently store and modify the system's firmware settings directly from the command line.

As this tool accesses firmware settings, it is typically only available to users with administrative privileges. Improper usage or modification of NVRAM variables can potentially result in system instability or failure, which is why caution must be exercised when using this command.

In summary, the "nvram" command line tool is a powerful utility that allows administrators to manage system-specific settings stored in the NVRAM of Unix-like operating systems. It enables efficient configuration and modification of firmware settings without needing to reboot the computer.

List of commands for nvram:

  • nvram:tldr:358ec nvram: [p]rint all the variables stored in the NVRAM using [x]ML format.
    $ nvram -xp
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • nvram:tldr:a6af6 nvram: [d]elete a firmware variable.
    $ sudo nvram -d ${name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • nvram:tldr:abe7d nvram: Set a firmware variable from a specific [x]ML [f]ile.
    $ sudo nvram -xf ${filename-xml}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • nvram:tldr:ac26f nvram: [p]rint all the variables stored in the NVRAM.
    $ nvram -p
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • nvram:tldr:eb663 nvram: Modify the value of a firmware variable.
    $ sudo nvram ${name}="${value}"
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview