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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool nx. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


NX is a powerful command line tool primarily used for creating and managing monorepositories in JavaScript and TypeScript. It is developed by Nrwl - an open-source software consultancy and the creator of popular frameworks like Angular and NestJS. NX provides an advanced development experience for large-scale applications by supporting efficient code sharing and reusability.

With NX, developers can efficiently scaffold a new project or workspace with built-in capabilities for modern web development. It allows projects to be organized into smaller, manageable apps and libraries that can easily share code and dependencies. NX integrates seamlessly with popular frameworks like Angular, React, and Node.js, allowing developers to take full advantage of their features and ecosystem.

One of the key features of NX is its intelligent build system. It leverages advanced computation caching techniques to significantly speed up build times. By smartly calculating and reusing only the necessary portions of code, NX minimizes the overhead of rebuilding projects.

NX also offers various tools for testing and linting your codebase, ensuring high code quality and maintaining consistency across the whole organization. It supports unit testing, end-to-end testing, and linting with popular testing frameworks and configurations.

Furthermore, NX provides an intuitive dependency graph visualization, allowing developers to easily understand the relationships among different modules and libraries in their project. This graph provides insights into the impact of code changes and helps identify potential issues or bottlenecks.

Thanks to its extensible architecture, NX allows developers to create custom builders and plugins, enabling them to tailor the tool to their specific needs or add additional functionality. This extensibility makes NX highly flexible and adaptable to different development environments and requirements.

Overall, NX is a valuable command line tool for teams working on large-scale JavaScript or TypeScript projects. It streamlines and enhances development workflows, promotes code sharing and reusability, reduces build times, and provides essential testing and linting capabilities.

List of commands for nx:

  • nx:tldr:1960d nx: Test a specific project.
    $ nx test ${project}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • nx:tldr:1b7bf nx: Execute a target only on projects that have been changed.
    $ nx affected --target ${target}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • nx:tldr:3e2f7 nx: Execute a target on all projects in the workspace.
    $ nx run-many --target ${target} --all
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • nx:tldr:759c7 nx: Execute a target on multiple projects.
    $ nx run-many --target ${target} --projects ${project1},${project2}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • nx:tldr:8378b nx: Execute a target on a specific project.
    $ nx run ${project}:${target}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • nx:tldr:8fed1 nx: Build a specific project.
    $ nx build ${project}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview