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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ocamlc. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Ocamlc is a command line tool used for compiling OCaml source files into executable bytecode or native code. It is one of the main components of the OCaml programming language toolchain. The tool takes one or more OCaml source files as input and outputs an executable file or object files. By default, it compiles the source file into bytecode format which is run by the OCaml interpreter. The tool also supports options to produce native code for better performance. It provides various options for controlling the compilation process, such as optimization levels, debugging symbols, and linking libraries. Ocamlc can also compile multiple source files together, resolving dependencies and generating appropriate object files. It supports cross-compilation, allowing developers to compile OCaml code for different architectures and operating systems. Additionally, it offers options to generate standalone executables that do not require the OCaml runtime system. Ocamlc is a versatile tool that is widely used in OCaml development, enabling users to compile and execute their OCaml programs from the command line.

List of commands for ocamlc:

  • ocamlc:tldr:18d3d ocamlc: Create a binary from a source file.
    $ ocamlc ${path-to-source_file-ml}
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  • ocamlc:tldr:b4915 ocamlc: Automatically generate a module signature (interface) file.
    $ ocamlc -i ${path-to-source_file-ml}
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  • ocamlc:tldr:d2228 ocamlc: Create a named binary from a source file.
    $ ocamlc -o ${path-to-binary} ${path-to-source_file-ml}
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