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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool od. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


od is a command line tool available in Unix-like systems used to display the content of files in various formats. The name "od" stands for "octal dump," but it can handle other formats as well. It allows users to examine both binary and text files. By default, od displays the octal representation of the content of a file, but it can also display hexadecimal or ASCII representations. od provides different options to control the output format, such as controlling the byte size, endianess, and offset of the displayed content. It can display the file content as a specified number of bytes, words, or long words. Users can also format the output to display the content in a specific format, such as signed or unsigned integers. The tool can be used to analyze and debug various file types, especially when dealing with non-text files or binary files. It's commonly used to examine and understand the structure and content of files, including executables, libraries, disk images, and network captures. od is often used in conjunction with other command line tools to extract important information from files or identify patterns within them. It's a versatile tool that can provide valuable insight into the internal structure of files and their contents, making it a valuable resource for developers, system administrators, and security analysts.

List of commands for od:

  • od:tldr:0db95 od: Display file in verbose mode, i.e. without replacing duplicate lines with `*`.
    $ od -v ${filename}
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  • od:tldr:3f633 od: Display file in hexadecimal format (2-byte units), with byte offsets in decimal format.
    $ od --format=${x} --address-radix=${d} -v ${filename}
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  • od:tldr:43b42 od: Display file using default settings: octal format, 8 bytes per line, byte offsets in octal, and duplicate lines replaced with `*`.
    $ od ${filename}
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  • od:tldr:6facb od: Read only 100 bytes of a file starting from the 500th byte.
    $ od --read-bytes ${100} --skip-bytes=${500} -v ${filename}
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  • od:tldr:f67f6 od: Display file in hexadecimal format (1-byte units), and 4 bytes per line.
    $ od --format=${x1} --width=${4} -v ${filename}
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