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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool openconnect. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


OpenConnect is a command line tool used for establishing secure remote access to VPNs. It is an open-source alternative for the Cisco AnyConnect client. OpenConnect supports SSL/TLS-based VPN protocols, including Cisco's AnyConnect, GlobalProtect, and Pulse Connect Secure.

  1. OpenConnect provides a seamless way to connect to VPN networks from the command line.
  2. It encrypts all communication between the client and the VPN server, ensuring a secure connection.
  3. The tool is available for various operating systems, such as Linux, macOS, and Windows.
  4. It supports authentication methods like password-based, certificate-based, and token-based for multi-factor authentication.
  5. OpenConnect can handle split-tunneling, allowing users to choose which traffic goes through the VPN and what remains direct.
  6. It has features like automatic reconnection in case of network disruptions, maintaining a stable VPN connection.
  7. The tool is highly configurable, allowing users to customize connection options based on their needs.
  8. It integrates well with network manager tools, making it convenient to manage VPN connections.
  9. OpenConnect is maintained actively by a community of developers, ensuring periodic updates and bug fixes.
  10. Its open-source nature allows users to review and enhance the tool's code, ensuring transparency and security.

List of commands for openconnect:

  • openconnect:tldr:1d2c6 openconnect: Connect to a server and authenticate with a specific SSL client certificate.
    $ openconnect --certificate=${filename} ${vpn-example-org}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • openconnect:tldr:447c8 openconnect: Connect to a server.
    $ openconnect ${vpn-example-org}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • openconnect:tldr:55fdb openconnect: Connect to a server, reading options from a config file.
    $ openconnect --config=${filename} ${vpn-example-org}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • openconnect:tldr:a4d89 openconnect: Connect to a server, forking into the background.
    $ openconnect --background ${vpn-example-org}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview