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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool openrc. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


OpenRC is a command-line tool or init system used in some Unix-like operating systems. It is primarily designed to manage the startup and shutdown of services, daemons, and other system processes. OpenRC follows the Unix philosophy of simplicity, flexibility, and modularity. It uses shell scripts rather than complex configuration files for managing services, making it easy to understand and tweak. OpenRC provides support for dependency-based service initialization, ensuring that services start in the correct order. It also includes powerful service management functions, such as starting, stopping, restarting, and reloading services. OpenRC is widely used in various Linux distributions, including Gentoo, Alpine Linux, and Void Linux, among others.

List of commands for openrc:

  • openrc:tldr:48586 openrc: Change to a specific runlevel, but don't stop any existing services.
    $ sudo openrc --no-stop ${runlevel_name}
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  • openrc:tldr:67a4a openrc: Change to a specific runlevel.
    $ sudo openrc ${runlevel_name}
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