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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool openscad. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


OpenSCAD is a command line tool primarily used for creating solid 3D models. It uses a script-based approach, where 3D models are defined using a simple programming language. The tool allows users to generate complex objects using boolean operations, primitive shapes, and transformations. By manipulating parameters and variables within the script, users can create parametric models that can be easily customized.

OpenSCAD supports a range of fundamental geometric shapes like cubes, spheres, cylinders, and cones, which can be combined and modified in various ways. It also enables users to import existing models in STL or DXF formats for further modification or integration into their designs. Additionally, OpenSCAD provides a set of built-in functions and mathematical operations that enhance the flexibility of modeling.

With OpenSCAD, users can generate 2D projections of the 3D models for technical documentation. The tool employs a constructive solid geometry (CSG) modeling concept, enabling users to create complex objects by combining simple shapes through operations such as union, difference, and intersection. Users can also perform transformations like translation, rotation, and scaling to modify the position and size of objects.

OpenSCAD operates through the command line interface, allowing users to run it on various operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. The command line nature of the tool makes it well-suited for automation and integration into other workflows. It can be utilized as part of a complex pipeline to generate customized models or as a standalone tool for smaller projects.

The OpenSCAD scripting language is not as intuitive or visually intuitive as other 3D modeling software, making it more suitable for users with programming or technical backgrounds. However, the simplicity of the scripting language and its text-based nature make it highly adaptable and robust. The availability of a comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and user community further strengthens the learning and troubleshooting resources for OpenSCAD. Overall, OpenSCAD is a powerful and versatile command line tool for creating customizable 3D models.

List of commands for openscad:

  • openscad:tldr:a38d4 openscad: Open a file.
    $ openscad ${path-to-button-scad}
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  • openscad:tldr:af1e6 openscad: Render a file to PNG in a specific colorscheme.
    $ openscad -o ${path-to-button-png} --colorscheme ${Sunset} ${path-to-button-scad}
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  • openscad:tldr:b8756 openscad: Convert a file to STL.
    $ openscad -o ${path-to-button-stl} ${path-to-button-scad}
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