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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool orca-c. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Orca-c is a command-line tool used for simulating quantum circuits. It is designed to provide a simple and flexible interface for users to simulate and analyze quantum circuits on their local machines. Developed by the Quantum Open Source Foundation (QOSF), Orca-c is written in C++ and offers high-performance simulations.

This tool supports various operations, such as quantum gates, measurements, and state initialization. Users can define custom quantum gates and apply them to their circuits. Additionally, Orca-c supports the simulation of noisy circuits, with features like depolarizing and damping noise models.

Circuit optimization is another notable feature of Orca-c. It utilizes the powerful Xilinx Zynq FPGA acceleration platform to optimize large circuits, resulting in faster computation times.

Orca-c also supports lossy simulation, allowing users to study the effect of photon losses on the performance of quantum circuits. It provides a flexible API and interfaces for Python and MATLAB, making it easier for users to integrate Orca-c into their existing workflows.

Furthermore, Orca-c provides detailed state and gate metrics to analyze the performance of quantum circuits. Users can monitor important parameters such as state fidelity, average gate fidelity, and circuit depth.

Orca-c is an open-source project and is actively maintained by the QOSF community. The tool is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, which allows users to freely modify and distribute it.

In summary, Orca-c is a powerful command-line tool for simulating quantum circuits. Its features include customizable gates, noisy circuit simulation, circuit optimization, lossy simulation, and detailed performance analysis.

List of commands for orca-c:

  • orca-c:tldr:3953c orca-c: Start ORCA with an empty workspace.
    $ orca-c
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  • orca-c:tldr:aae41 orca-c: Start ORCA and open a specific file.
    $ orca-c ${filename-orca}
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  • orca-c:tldr:b5708 orca-c: Start ORCA and set a specific tempo (defaults to 120).
    $ orca-c --bpm ${beats_per_minute}
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  • orca-c:tldr:c151f orca-c: Start ORCA and set the maximum number of undo steps (defaults to 100).
    $ orca-c --undo-limit ${limit}
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  • orca-c:tldr:ca8f2 orca-c: Start ORCA and set the size of the grid.
    $ orca-c --initial-size ${columns}x${rows}
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tool overview