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The "osascript" command-line tool is a powerful tool available in macOS that allows users to execute AppleScripts and access various scripting languages. It stands for "Operating System Scripting Addition Compiler".
- Developed by Apple, "osascript" enables users to run AppleScripts from the command line.
- It supports multiple scripting languages such as AppleScript, JavaScript, Perl, and Ruby.
- By leveraging "osascript," users can automate tasks on a Mac using AppleScript or run other supported script languages for different purposes.
- The tool provides a convenient way to interact with macOS system events, applications, and various services programmatically.
- It can be used for a plethora of tasks like automating repetitive tasks, performing UI scripting, controlling applications, and manipulating files.
- "osascript" allows users to pass arguments and input parameters to the executed scripts, enabling dynamic script behavior.
- It is particularly useful for system administrators, developers, and power users who need to automate and control macOS features and applications through scripting.
List of commands for osascript:
osascript:tldr:50d46 osascript: Run multiple AppleScript commands.$ osascript -e "${say 'Hello'}" -e "${say 'world'}"try on your machineexplain this command
osascript:tldr:80eb4 osascript: Run a JavaScript file.$ osascript -l JavaScript ${path-to-script-js}try on your machineexplain this command
osascript:tldr:a7161 osascript: Run an AppleScript command.$ osascript -e "${say 'Hello world'}"try on your machineexplain this command
osascript:tldr:e480d osascript: Run a compiled (`*.scpt`), bundled (`*.scptd`), or plaintext (`*.applescript`) AppleScript file.$ osascript ${path-to-apple-scpt}try on your machineexplain this command
osascript:tldr:e7854 osascript: Get the bundle identifier of an application (useful for `open -b`).$ osascript -e 'id of app "${Application}"'try on your machineexplain this command
osascript:tldr:f2004 osascript: Run a JavaScript command.$ osascript -l JavaScript -e "${console-log('Hello world');}"try on your machineexplain this command