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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pacdiff. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Pacdiff is a command-line tool in Arch Linux, specifically designed to manage and compare package updates. It is part of the Pacman package manager ecosystem and provides a convenient way to handle system configuration files during package upgrades.

Using pacdiff, users can compare differences between the old and new versions of configuration files, helping to identify any changes made by the package update. This allows users to make informed decisions about whether to keep their existing configurations or adopt the new changes.

Pacdiff provides an interactive interface, where it presents a side-by-side diff of the configuration files. It highlights any changes made, making it easy for users to understand and resolve conflicts.

Additionally, pacdiff provides an automated mode which can automatically merge changes without user intervention, making it useful in scripting and automation workflows.

For simplicity, pacdiff divides configuration files into several categories, making it easier to manage specific types of files, such as user configurations, system-wide settings, etc.

Overall, pacdiff is a valuable tool for Arch Linux users, allowing them to manage and resolve configuration file changes effectively during package upgrades.

List of commands for pacdiff:

  • pacdiff:tldr:21489 pacdiff: Review files that need maintenance in interactive mode.
    $ pacdiff
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • pacdiff:tldr:90ee8 pacdiff: Display help.
    $ pacdiff --help
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • pacdiff:tldr:9e532 pacdiff: Review files needing maintenance, creating `.bak`ups of the original if you `(O)verwrite`.
    $ pacdiff --sudo --backup
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • pacdiff:tldr:dc813 pacdiff: Use sudo and sudoedit to remove and merge files.
    $ pacdiff --sudo
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • pacdiff:tldr:f6d68 pacdiff: Scan for configuration files with `locate` instead of using pacman database.
    $ pacdiff --locate
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview