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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pamixer. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Pamixer is a command-line tool used for controlling audio volume in PulseAudio, a sound server for Linux-like operating systems. It provides a simple and efficient way to manage volume levels and control audio devices. Pamixer offers various functionalities like increasing or decreasing volume, muting or unmuting audio, and setting specific volume levels for different audio channels. It supports both interactive and non-interactive modes, allowing users to either run it in the terminal or integrate it into scripts for automation purposes. Pamixer provides keyboard shortcuts for quick and convenient volume adjustments without the need to open a graphical interface. It supports different output options, including text-based and bar-based volume indicators, making it suitable for use in different environments and workflows. Being a command-line tool, it has low resource requirements, making it lightweight and ideal for systems with limited resources. Pamixer has extensive documentation that provides information about its usage, command options, and examples to help users get started quickly. It can be installed on various Linux distributions through package managers like apt, pacman, or yum, making it easily accessible to a wide range of users. Overall, pamixer simplifies audio management, offering a flexible and efficient solution for controlling audio volume in PulseAudio environments from the command line.

List of commands for pamixer:

  • pamixer:tldr:1a502 pamixer: Increase the volume on default sink by 5%.
    $ pamixer --increase ${5}
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  • pamixer:tldr:32fd8 pamixer: List all sinks and sources with their corresponding IDs.
    $ pamixer --list-sinks --list-sources
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  • pamixer:tldr:3fc86 pamixer: Set the volume to 75% on the default sink.
    $ pamixer --set-volume ${75}
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  • pamixer:tldr:843b6 pamixer: Toggle mute on a sink other than the default.
    $ pamixer --toggle-mute --sink ${ID}
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  • pamixer:tldr:89719 pamixer: Mute the default sink (use `--unmute` instead to unmute).
    $ pamixer --mute
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  • pamixer:tldr:e0a68 pamixer: Use the allow boost option to increase, decrease, or set the volume above 100%.
    $ pamixer --set-volume ${105} --allow-boost
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  • pamixer:tldr:e7fd7 pamixer: Decrease the volume on a source by 5%.
    $ pamixer --decrease ${5} --source ${ID}
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