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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pbpaste. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "pbpaste" is primarily designed for macOS systems. It allows users to access and retrieve the contents of the clipboard from the Command Line Interface (CLI) rather than the graphical interface. The tool is used to retrieve the most recently copied text from the clipboard and display it in the terminal.

One of the main use cases of "pbpaste" is to integrate it with other command line tools and scripts for processing or manipulating copied text. For example, you can pipe the output of "pbpaste" to another command that performs text transformations, searches, or even feeds it into a file.

Pasting text from the clipboard using "pbpaste" is a simple and straightforward task. By running the command "pbpaste" in the terminal, the tool retrieves the text from the clipboard and outputs it to the screen.

Additionally, "pbpaste" offers some options to customize its behavior. For instance, you can use the "-pboard" flag to specify which clipboard to access if you have multiple clipboards available on your macOS system. There is also a "--help" option available that provides detailed information on how to use the tool.

Overall, "pbpaste" provides a convenient way to access clipboard contents from the command line, enabling seamless integration with other CLI tools and automation scripts on macOS.

List of commands for pbpaste:

  • pbpaste:tldr:d3195 pbpaste: Use the contents of the clipboard as input to a command.
    $ pbpaste | grep foo
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  • pbpaste:tldr:da216 pbpaste: Write the contents of the clipboard to a file.
    $ pbpaste > ${filename}
    try on your machine
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  • shell:warp:7bfff Launch tabs with clipboard URLs
    $ pbpaste | xargs -n1 -I{} open {}
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tool overview