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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pgloader. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


pgloader is a command line tool designed for rapidly migrating data from various database management systems into PostgreSQL. It provides a convenient way to automate the process of data loading and migration, offering a powerful and flexible solution.

The tool supports a wide range of source databases, including MySQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and many others. With pgloader, users can easily convert the schema and load data into PostgreSQL from these different databases.

One of the key features of pgloader is its ability to handle large datasets efficiently. It uses parallel loading techniques to maximize performance, ensuring the migration process is completed swiftly and reliably.

Additionally, pgloader provides advanced options for customizing the data loading process. Users can specify the mapping of data types between the source and target databases, define data transformation rules, and even filter or manipulate the data during the migration.

Furthermore, pgloader supports various command line options, allowing users to control the behavior of the tool and specify specific configurations for each migration task.

Overall, pgloader is a robust and versatile command line tool that simplifies and streamlines the process of migrating data into PostgreSQL from different database platforms, making it an essential tool for database administrators and developers working with PostgreSQL.

List of commands for pgloader:

  • mysql:migrate:postgress Migrate from MySQL Database to PostgresSQL Database
    $ pgloader mysql://${mysql_username}:${mysql_password}@${mysql_hostname}:${mysql_port}/${mysql_database_name} postgresql://${postgres_username}:${postgres_password}@${postgres_hostname}:${postgres_port}/${postgres_database_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview