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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pgrep. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


pgrep is a command line tool used in Unix-like operating systems to find processes that match a specific criteria. It is typically used to identify processes based on their name or other attributes.

The tool takes one or more patterns as arguments, which can be either process names or regular expressions. It then searches the currently running processes and prints the process IDs (PIDs) of the matching processes.

pgrep provides various options to refine the search. For example, the "-u" option allows specifying a user to search for processes belonging to a particular user only. The "-f" option matches the entire command line of a process, not just the process name.

Output of pgrep can be used in conjunction with other command line tools, such as kill, to terminate or manage the identified processes.

By default, pgrep only displays the PIDs of the matching processes, but it can be combined with the "-l" option to show the process name along with the PID.

If no matching processes are found, pgrep returns an exit status of 1.

pgrep also supports the inverse operation with the "-v" option, which prints PIDs of processes that do not match the specified criteria.

It is often used by system administrators and advanced users to perform automated tasks or troubleshooting.

pgrep is an efficient tool and uses the process status files in the /proc directory to quickly determine the matching processes, making it a useful utility for process management.

List of commands for pgrep:

  • pgrep:tldr:38058 pgrep: Search for processes run by a specific user.
    $ pgrep --euid root ${process_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • pgrep:tldr:d9fe4 pgrep: Return PIDs of any running processes with a matching command string.
    $ pgrep ${process_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • pgrep:tldr:dd734 pgrep: Search for processes including their command-line options.
    $ pgrep --full "${process_name} ${parameter}"
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview