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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool phpbu. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


PHPBU is a command line tool designed for creating backups of PHP applications. It provides an easy and efficient way to backup databases, directories, and files in a structured and organized manner.

  1. With PHPBU, you can configure multiple backup jobs by setting up backup sources, compression options, encryption, and notification settings.
  2. It supports a wide range of databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and SQLite, allowing you to backup your application's data with ease.
  3. The tool uses backup strategies to define how backups are created, such as Full, Diff, and Incremental backups, allowing you to choose the most suitable method for your application.
  4. You can easily set up pre- and post-processing steps, such as running custom scripts or executing shell commands during the backup process.
  5. PHPBU allows you to define backup sync targets, such as cloud storage services or remote servers, to automatically upload your backups for secure storage.
  6. It supports various storage services and protocols, like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, FTP, SFTP, and more.
  7. PHPBU provides comprehensive logging and reporting, allowing you to monitor the backup process and any potential problems that may occur.
  8. It supports integration with external tools like Slack, sending notifications about backup successes or failures to your preferred channels.
  9. PHPBU is highly configurable, allowing you to define fine-grained rules for each backup job, giving you full control over the backup process.
  10. It is written in PHP and is open source, so you can inspect and modify the source code according to your needs.

List of commands for phpbu:

  • phpbu:tldr:22428 phpbu: Simulate the actions that would have been performed.
    $ phpbu --simulate
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • phpbu:tldr:5a2ef phpbu: Run backups using a specific configuration file.
    $ phpbu --configuration=${path-to-configuration_file-xml}
    try on your machine
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  • phpbu:tldr:7e802 phpbu: Only run the specified backups.
    $ phpbu --limit=${backup_task_name}
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  • phpbu:tldr:8b945 phpbu: Run backups using the default `phpbu.xml` configuration file.
    $ phpbu
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview