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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool phploc. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


phploc is a tool for quickly measuring the size and analyzing the structure of a PHP project.

List of commands for phploc:

  • phploc:analyze Analyze a directory and print the result.
    $ phploc ${path-to-directory}
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  • phploc:analyze:export:csv Log the results to a specific CSV file.
    $ phploc ${path-to-directory} --log-csv ${filename}
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  • phploc:analyze:export:xml Log the results to a specific XML file.
    $ phploc ${path-to-directory} --log-xml ${filename}
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  • phploc:tldr:1f77e phploc: Exclude a specific directory from analysis.
    $ phploc ${path-to-directory} --exclude ${path-to-exclude_directory}
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  • phploc:tldr:2a92c phploc: Count PHPUnit test case classes and test methods.
    $ phploc ${path-to-directory} --count-tests
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  • phploc:tldr:4f193 phploc: Exclude specific files from a comma-separated list (globs are allowed).
    $ phploc ${path-to-directory} --names-exclude ${files}
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  • phploc:tldr:642aa phploc: Include only specific files from a comma-separated list (globs are allowed).
    $ phploc ${path-to-directory} --names ${files}
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tool overview